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Guided Notes balance technology with pencil-and-paper mathematics.

Technology is engaging and fun but often comes at the cost of reduced learning.  The Guided (or structured) Notes we’ve developed use the engaging nature of technology to get students to focus on the old-fashioned pencil-and-paper mathematics required for procedural proficiency.  Students pay attention better and for longer periods of time because they have something to do with the information that they don’t yet recognize as important.  

Scroll through the slides below to see how it works, then download an example of Guided Notes and try using them as a student in the embedded lesson at the bottom of the page.


With a copy of the Guided Notes in hand begin the Quizzizz self-paced lesson.  This way you can experience how students interact and engage with the material.

Notice how the questions throughout provide check-for understanding, feedback, and accountability.  This is a very powerful combination that is given to each student in real-time during the lesson.  

Also, with Quizzizz, which is a free online software (Super Account just over $100 a year), you get reports on how your students performed.  

Learn More About Quizzizz