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Sine Rule Teacher Toolbox

Sine Rule Teacher Toolbox 

Teaching the sine rule can be a monster.  Every single resource needed is time-consuming.  Creating the non-right triangles to use as examples (that work), while also having sufficient practice for students that promotes procedural fluency while also keeping them on their toes with problem-solving and critical thinking opportunities, as well as quality assessments, and remediation resources, and … all require hours and hours and hours of work, before you even teach!

This “Teacher’s Toolbox,” places everything needed to teach the sine rule within easy reach of the teacher.  The resources are ready to go, engaging, visually appealing to students, and balance routine procedures with thought-provoking questions and problems.

The resources work for any teacher.  If you prefer to hand out paper copies of everything, this Teacher’s Toolbox has physical copies ready to go.  If you’re digital only, we’ve got you covered.  If you want to teach in a flipped classroom style, it’s ready.  But, if you like to “stand and deliver,” this Teacher’s Toolbox also has what you need.



Here is what is included in this Teacher’s Toolbox.

  • Lesson in both
  • Guided notes for students*
    • PDF
    • Google Doc
  • Practice set of problems
    • PDF
    • PDF of Answer Key
    • Google Form Quiz – Self Grading
  • Conceptual questions on the sine rule
    • PDF
    • Google Form Quiz – Self Grading
    • Video
  • Check-for-Understanding short quiz**
    • PDF – 3 Versions with Answer Keys
    • Google Forms Quiz – Self Grading

*Note:  The guided notes for students are designed to help students record what they’ve learned (or are learning, depending on when you have them fill out the notes), in a structured and organized fashion.  This puts all required concepts and procedures in one easy to find location for them.

** Note:  The Check-for-Understanding digital quiz in Google Forms is set up with a filtering feature to promote test security and discourage cheating.


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